I’ve been thinking a lot about my bucket list lately. I read this article in my local paper, and was struck with the simplicity of this man’s wishes. A good day of fishing and a ride in a fast car. It got me thinking what would be on my Bucket List.
With a daughter who is turning 1 year old this week and another little one coming in August, I’m keenly aware of how quickly time can fly. It’s so important to be grateful for each day. Being grateful for each day is something I have to work at however. It’s easy to get bogged down in trying to be a “success”. Making more money, having a bigger house, making sure everything is tidy and in its place all the time. When the time comes however, will any of those achievements really matter? Will I wish that I had more money in the bank, or fancier things or to have done all the dishes and laundry? I’m certain my bucket list will be to spend more time with my family and friends. I want to make sure that I take the time to do the things that make me truly happy, and to be grateful for each day I have. I’d like to figure out how to access my bucket list every day and not wait to live out my dreams.
What’s on your Bucket List? Leave a comment below!