Looking back, I can’t count too many holiday traditions in my household. My father was from a small family and we lived very far away from extended aunts, uncles and cousins on my mother’s side, so most holidays were quiet occasions, and the closest thing to an annual holiday tradition being the Christmas eve lunch at one of our local casino buffets!
One memory that does stand out however was my father’s Thanksgiving night prep. He would take out a 100 year old cast iron food grinder that had been passed down to him from his mother.
Thanksgiving eve he would go out to the garage and hook it up to his work bench and use that to grind celery, carrots and bread crumbs to make his stuffing and other dishes. I remember sitting with him and helping out in the cold garage. There was no need to grind up the veggies this way, and it certainly took much longer…but the food always seemed to taste better the next day.
Watching my own small children now, I’m struck with nostalgia and the desire to make Christmas magical for them. I’m not sure what types of traditions we’ll start as a family, but I hope that my girls will always have wonderful, happy memories to look back on.
What holiday traditions do you love? Leave a comment below!