In the United States, we are nearing 20% of the population being over 65 years old. With this rapidly growing segment, I can’t help but wonder, is their a title that best describes their generation. We’ve heard Senior, Elderly, Aged, but could labels be offensive? Most older adults these days are leading extremely active lives, and most are working well past the traditional “retirement” ages. Is there something else that could better encapsulate those of us over a certain age? My go to is Older Adults, but I’ve often been confused on which term would be best. In my work, I sometimes meet one on one with people who are dealing with significant health concerns, but until very recently were completely healthy. They may be in need of assistance, but their goal is to be as independent as possible, and I want to honor that as much as I can. If I refer to a client as a Senior Citizen or Elderly, does this demean them? My hope is to always empower the person I’m working with and promote their choices and autonomy.
What are your thoughts? How would you title the generations who have come before us?